Chief Thomas M. Griffin
On behalf of the Peabody Police Department, I welcome your interest in your department. We are extremely proud of our community and our relatively low overall crime rate.
We have 100 sworn officers, twenty sworn Reserve Officers, twelve civilian Dispatchers, two Animal Control Officers, Chief’s Executive Assistant, Chief’s Financial Assistant, six Records Clerks, a Parking Clerk and multiple volunteers.
Peabody is a vibrant suburban community 18 miles north of Boston, bordered by Lynnfield on the west, Danvers and Middleton on the North, Salem on the east, and Lynn on the south.
Peabody has a land area of 16.5 square miles with a population of approximately 53,000. The city has 1,783.39 miles of roads.
Chief Thomas M. Griffin (978)538-6308
Mission Statement
“The Mission of the Peabody Police Department is to prevent crime, preserve order, and to protect the rights, lives, and property of all people. We will work in partnership with our community to identify and effectively respond to the diverse, ever-changing social and neighborhood problems and needs. We will do this with respect, fairness, and compassion.”
Our philosophy is one of prevention as the key to maintaining a high quality of life in this community. We believe in the Problem Solving Community Oriented Policing approach in dealing with the many problems we face every day. Problem Solving Community Policing is a philosophy of becoming involved with the people we serve and working together as a team.
Peabody is a Massachusetts Accredited Police Agency
Department Goals
Our overall goal is the control of crime and the protection of lives and property through problem-solving law enforcement and other traditional
and non-traditional police methods, specifically:
- The prevention of crime
- The reduction of fear in the community
- The maintenance of order in the community
- The establishment of Problem Solving Community Oriented Policing in the City of Peabody
The emphasis of personal and institutional commitment and to give vitality to the following ideals and values:
- The achievements of personal and professional excellence
- The accountability of all department personnel
- The highest ethical standards
- The highest standards of integrity
- The dignity of all individuals
- The just, consistent and equitable exercise of police powers and discretion
- The authority of law and the constitutional principles of the United States
I again thank you for your interest and ask that you take a few minutes to browse the web pages and explore the many facets of your Peabody Police Department.